4 Questions For A Realistic Hit List
Filed under: Deer Hunting, Hunting Blog, Hunting Tactics
As antler development is beginning to wind down, hit lists begin to develop. Hunters have had the opportunity to inventory the individual bucks based on antler characteristics. With individual bucks clearly recognizable, the next step is to develop a strategic plan to tag these bucks. Antler characteristics are just one of multiple aspects that make each buck an “individual”.

Our #1 hit list buck, Chainsaw, has been very active at this Trophy Rock site.
Each hit list buck exhibits certain characteristics that influence the chances of that deer being harvestable. Some of these characteristics can easily be examined in a series of trail camera photos you have received through the summer months. When examining these photos, ask yourself the following questions:
- When are the bucks being photographed, daylight or nighttime?
- Is the area the buck using accessible to me?
- Can I hunt the deer in transition or over a hidey hole food plot?
- Will the predominate wind allow me to reach my stand undetected?
Ask yourself these questions as opening day nears. Answers to these questions can help you narrow your hit list down further to strictly huntable deer and maximize your opportunities afield. Don’t simply let antlers dictate which stand you hunt, use your resources to determine which hit list buck provides you with the best chance to fill a tag! Be sure to share your success with us here at GrowingDeer.tv.
Enjoying Creation,
Matt Dye