Are bucks shedding their antlers yet?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersDeer Biology
Do you think it would be ok to take a shed hunting walk this weekend or are most bucks likely to still be holding antlers? Also, I believe I remember you saying to look on south facing slopes. Is this correct? Do you have any other tips? Thank you for your time.


Bucks shed their antlers when the testosterone level drops below a certain level.  Hence bucks that are stressed tend to shed earlier than others.  So when bucks shed can vary greatly by habitat quality, the adult sex ratio, winter conditions, etc.  Most bucks at my place haven’t shed yet.  I have a close friend in Ohio and most of the bucks near his farm have shed.  

I enjoy shed hunting and often look in the same areas multiple times.  If you have time, go shed hunting!  If you don’t find any don’t hesitate to revisit that area in a few weeks.

Enjoy creation,


January 31, 2016