Are GMO crops harmful to humans or deer?
Filed under: Food Plots, Miscellaneous
I’ve never found (and I’ve searched) one refereed (peer reviewed) study that shows any negative impact on humans or deer (or other critters) from GMO crops. Literally tens of millions of deer, turkey, etc., have feed on GMO crops with no reported impacts. In fact, the largest deer in the world are consistently harvested in the midwest were 90%+ of the crops are GMO.
GMO crops have been the most studied crops in history and still no credible reports of harm to humans and wildlife. Even Reader’s Digest recently reported that’s there’s never been a study that’s found any evidence of GMO crops causing humans harm.
Lots of folks make wild claims based on emotions. The fact is that GMO crops save a huge amount of fossil fuels, soil erosion, soil compaction, etc., by significantly reducing tillage.
Enjoy creation,