Availability of Antler Dirt in Pennsylvania

By GrowingDeer,

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I am very interested in using the Antler Dirt product because I am currently using gas line right-of-ways as my food plot locations.  The lines were laid and the soil was dug up, and then filled in without the topsoil being separated before being put back on top.  I would really like to build the soil back up so that I can have successful plots in the future.  I live in southwestern Pennsylvania.  Do they have any locations close to here?  Is it even possible to get Antler Dirt in this area?  If you could please let me know if this is possible and ANY tips on building my soil quickly I would greatly appreciate it!




I’m not aware of any Antler Dirt franchises in Pennsylvania and I expect the shipping cost would be prohibitive.  However, I encourage you to contact the Antler Dirt team and receive current accurate information.  Their contact information is on the Antler Dirt website.

Using the liquid Antler Dirt is a great option to add “life” back to soil.  The liquid is shippable (gallons per acre of liquid compared to a ton + per acre of the compost) and contains the same beneficial life (microbes) that is in their compost product.  Liquid Antler Dirt doesn’t have the advantage of adding the organic matter and some of the other benefits of the Antler Dirt compost.  With that said, it would be a great start to adding natural and beneficial life back to abused soil.

Growing Deer together,
