Can I broadcast Broadside into standing Eagle Seed soybeans?
Filed under: Food Plots
In larger plots where the soybeans aren’t heavily browsed there may not be enough sunlight reaching the soil for the Broadside to grow well. This depends on the food plot size, the number of deer in the area, etc.
In these cases I either plant additional plots with Broadside or plant it by using a no-till drill in some of the standing Eagle Seed forage soybeans. I’ve found that a substantial percentage of Eagle Soybeans won’t be damaged by drilling through them. I really like this technique as it provides grain (the soybean pods) and greens in the same area. Deer tend to eat the bean pods during colder days and the greens during warmer conditions. In addition, the Broadside makes a great cover crop and helps improve the soil.
Enjoy creation,
January 10, 2016