Covert vs. Semi-covert Trail Cameras

By GrowingDeer,

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Dr. Woods,

You talk quite a bit about using trail cameras for successful scouting and for setting up camera stations to better manage your deer herd.  I was curious if you opt to use no-glow or true IR cameras vs. low-glow or near IR cameras at The Proving Grounds?  Do you see an advantage or disadvantage of one over the other?

Great site by the way!  I’m learning a lot of new information!



Thanks for the kind words!  I desire to cover the maximum distance at nighttime in each image without spooking deer.  The Reconyx semi-covert units seem to offer the best solution to my objective.  I’ve used both Reconyx covert (no glow) and semi-covert (low glow) units.  I prefer the low glow as I don’t notice any deer spooking from the “flash” of the semi-covert units and they allow nighttime images to be taken at a greater distance.  This may or may not be true with other brands of trail cameras.

Growing Deer together,
