Broadhead Selection

By GrowingDeer,

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I’m a new bow hunter from Kentucky.  I just started bow hunting this year, I’m only 11 years old.  I don’t know too much about it.  What would be the best broadhead to deer hunt with?  I just bought some Rage SlipCam Rear Deploying Broadheads and I don’t know if they are very good or not. This year I used Muzzy Broadheads and I liked them.





There are many great broadheads on the market!  I prefer a fixed-blade design so the chance of failure is minimal.  More importantly, I insist that the broadheads I use are literally shaving sharp.  Broadheads kill deer by causing rapid blood loss.  Dull broadheads cause more trauma to deer and therefore deer instantly secrete a hormone that causes blood to clot.  Deer are much less likely to secrete this hormone when hit by a razor sharp broadhead.  To illustrate, think about how much you bleed when you hit your finger with a hammer (not much) versus how much you bleed from a simple paper cut.  Paper cuts don’t cause trauma — so our bodies don’t release the clotting hormone.

I shoot a Blackout Fixed-Blade Broadhead from Bass Pro.  I had great results on multiple mature bucks using that head last year (GDTV 45).

Growing Deer together,
