Food Plot Prep after Subsoiling
Filed under: Ask Grant, Food Plots
Thank you for your time and I greatly enjoy your weekly programs on
Again, thanks.
You are wise to subsoil as part of preparing plots!! This is especially true if there is much clay at that location. The weight of the tractor and disk (especially the disk as all the weight is on the bottom of the disk blades) will serve to add compaction to the soil. Therefore, if possible, consider spraying the appropriate herbicide (if necessary), adding the appropriate amount of fertilizer, and using a no-till drill to plant. Many counties rent no-till drills at a very reasonable rate! If planting a crop with a small-sized seed such as clover, it can simply be broadcasted onto the plot, especially just before rain is predicted. If planting a large-sized seed such as soybeans or corn, higher rates of germination will occur if the seeds are covered at the appropriate depth (½” to 1” depending on soil type and available soil moisture).
Thanks for the kind words and I hope you enjoy much success with this project!
Growing Deer together,