How do you avoid spooking deer off your property?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersHunting Tactics
I was wondering how you guys avoid spooking the deer off of your property. I know that you own a lot of acres, but your crew seems to always be out there. Do you have strategies when you are filming to avoid scaring the deer?For instance right now, I do not want to go to my hunting properties and mess around with prescribed fires, or go look for sheds quite yet, because I am afraid of spooking the deer off of my properties, and then I may not find their sheds OR they may not come back to that property. I was just curious how you avoid this or if you do?


We are out and about on The Proving Grounds almost daily!  We have several areas from 11 to 50 acres set up as sanctuaries.  We don’t go in those sanctuaries except to shed hunt, maintain with prescribed fire, etc.  This allows deer to feel secure on our property even though we work and/or play on the property almost daily.  Sanctuaries are great tools for any sized property.  The use of sanctuaries makes smaller properties hunt like they are much larger!

Enjoy creation,


February 9, 2016