How large of a sanctuary should I create on the 50 acres I hunt in southeast Pennsylvania?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersHunting Tactics
How large of an area should a deer sanctuary be if I have about 50 acres to hunt in south east Pennsylvania. Mostly hardwoods (plenty of red and white oaks) and some cedar and pine tree patches.

Thanks a lot.

PS I love how you mention our creator in all your videos. I am a born again Christian and I truly do enjoy his creation!


I typically like sanctuaries to be at least 10 acres.  Depending on the habitat type, it usually takes about 10 or more acres so human scent doesn’t cover the entire area if a human walks upwind of the sanctuary.  Deer typically readily find and use sanctuaries.  This allows hunters to predict where deer will be bed and travel paths they will use to access food and water.

Enjoy creation,


February 21, 2016