How large should a food plot be for soybeans?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersFood Plots
I’m 14 and my family has have about 100 acres and it is mostly wooded and is very dense I want to cut an area so I can plant a soy bean plot about how large should it be? And I love your videos they really give me a lot of useful tip and tricks and inspire my desire to hunt thank you!


Thank you for watching GrowingDeer and for sharing the kind words! 

The size of the plots should be based on then the mission. For example, if the mission is to provide deer quality forage throughout the year than the plot will need to be large enough so deer don’t over browse the forage while it’s still young.  I often use Hot Zone fences to protect small plots from being over browsed and then remove the fence or a part of the fence before hunting season.  

Be sure and have the soil tested and add the recommended amount of lime and fertilizer so the soybeans will be healthy and tasty!  Healthy forage attracts deer much better than malnourished forage.

Enjoy creation,


December 3, 2015