How likely is it that three or four year old bucks will add brow tines as they age?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersDeer Biology
Dr. Grant,
I’ve been blessed with family owned hunting property in the deep southern part of Louisiana. We don’t have the genetics are food that the midwest have so our biggest bucks are about 125″. I shoot 8 points are better. I had a 6 point in bow range this season that was a 3×3 with no brow tines. If it had brow tines, it would have been a 8 point. My question is, if this six point that I let walk had what I determined a mature body, would it ever have a chance to grow it’s brow tines? Or do you think I should have shot based on what I predicted a 3-4yr old that wouldn’t grow it’s brow tines and be considered a cull buck? Thanks…


Genetics is almost never a problem with herd’s average antler size. Small antlers are almost always a result of bucks being immature and/or not having good groceries. 

For example almost all the deer in northern, Missouri were stocked from southern Missouri.  World class bucks are harvested annually in northern Missouri and almost never in southern Missouri.  The difference in average antler size per age class is the quality of groceries!  There’s lots of soybeans and corn in northern Missouri and practically none in southern Missouri.

Each buck is a unique individual just like humans.  Some of us express more of our potential early and some grow more later in life.  However, if a buck doesn’t have brow tines by the time he’s three or four it’s doubtful he produce large brow tines later during his life.

I don’t believe in “cull” bucks. Each buck has unique qualities including disease resistance, predator awareness, etc.  Antler size is only one characteristic.  I suggest folks harvest bucks based on a certain age and not only antler size.  For example I harvested a mature buck earlier this year that didn’t have a huge rack.  The weak before Adam passed a buck that had better scoring antlers but was a year younger.  You may watch that hunt at:

Age is the best harvest criteria for serious deer managers.

Enjoy creation,


December 10, 2015