How often do you use Roundup to control weeds in Eagle Seeds Big Fellow beans?
Filed under: Food Plots
Make sure the plot is weedfree before planting the beans. This can be accomplished by using Roundup to terminate the existing weeds. Soybeans need to have good contact with the soil to germinate and sprout. So it will be best to broadcast the seeds into a good seedbed and during a rain so the seed makes good contact with the soil.
Use the Roundup once the weeds are about 3 to 6″ tall. Don’t allow the weeds to mature past 6″ or so. By then the beans will be close to creating a closed canopy and shading out any new weeds.
You should attend our Field Event April 1st and 2nd and come visit with the owner of Eagle Seed! Check out: for more information.
Enjoy creation,
March 2, 2016