How old is this buck?
Filed under: How Old Is This Buck?
Grant, I have been seeing this buck on camera regularly. His most frequent times at this tree are around 6 AM and 10 PM. I have two questions: 1) Can you estimate how old he is? 2) What should my strategy be to see him in person and possibly get a shot at him?
Here he is on camera:

This buck’s neck merges with his chest well above his brisket. In addition his back and belly lines are very straight. His shoulder are muscular but not fully developed. Estimate this buck is two or three years old.
It may be best to move your camera/stand closer to where you believe he is bedding to see him during daylight hours. The area where these videos were taken is very open. Unless the area receives minimal hunting pressure I suspect deer will primarily use that are during the cover of darkness.
Enjoy creation,
January 21, 2016