How should I set a no-till drill when planting a blend of different sized seeds?

By Grant Woods,

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When planting a mix, such as Broadside, what is the correct setting for no till drill?



I always calibrate my no-till drill no matter what species or blend of forages I’m planting.  Seed size often varies year to year even within a single species, such as soybeans, due to growing conditions, etc.

I do the same when planting Broadside.  I put some seed in the drill and turn the wheel enough to simulate planting 100th of an acre and do the math. I use a blanket to catch the seed, weigh the seed adjust the drill to plant at a higher or lower rate until it’s calibrated to plant at the appropriate rate.  

I believe there are instructions how to calibrate on line for each model of no-till drill. 

Enjoy creation,
