Hunting Attractant Food Plots
Filed under: Ask Grant, Food Plots
Thanks again, Mitchell (Missouri)
Because I don’t know this property, I can only provide some general guidelines. Rather than only hunting one side of the property, I would establish some sanctuaries so deer have areas throughout the property where they are very comfortable spending time during daylight hours. Outside of those sanctuaries, I prefer hunting ridge tops because the wind direction is usually much more constant compared to locations in a valley. So creating attraction plots on ridge top locations is a good strategy! Wheat is a fine attractant – if it’s fertilized appropriately. Remember, deer are very selective feeders. They feed on the best forage available in their home range in areas where they don’t feel threatened. Establishing the best forage won’t help hunters observe more deer if the amount of hunting pressure conditions deer to only use that plot after dark.
With a little planning and work, it sounds like your friend has access to an excellent property!
Growing Deer together,