Is a 50 by 30 yard spot close to a swamp a good location for a food plot?
Filed under: Food Plots
Hello Dr. Grant i found a spot that is about 50 yards by 30 yards and i have a swamp behind it but it needs to be cleared and the soil is dry.Is this a good spot for a food plot and should i use a hot zone fence.?
From what I know, it sounds like a great Hidey Hole food plot location! Deer probably use the swamp for cover and feed elsewhere! I’ve had great success putting Hidey Hole plots between food and cover.
50 x 30 yards about a third of an acre. Deer can remove forage from such a plot quickly. It would be a good idea to protect the forage with a Hot Zone fence and allow the forage to produce some tonnage before deer begin browsing there.
Enjoy creation,
December 16, 2015