Is it normal for bucks to be chasing does during mid January?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersDeer Biology
Myself and several others have hunted all this week, 1/8/16-1/13/16. We have all seen several mature bucks still chasing does. Is this nromal for this time of the year? I myself have been deer hunting for 30 years, and can never recall seeing bucks still chasing does this late.


If you have been hunting in the same area and this is the first year you’ve seen bucks chasing does during mid January that may be a good sign!  If most of the breeding occurs during November where you hunt then I suspect bucks are now chasing female fawns. Fawns tend to reach puberty and become receptive when they weigh 70+ pounds.  Hopefully you are seeing the results of improved habitat and female fawns growing quicker compared to past years.  

Fawns breeding is very common in areas with lots of quality forage such as where soybeans and corn are commonly grown.

Enjoy creation,


January 14 2016