Is There Any Benefit to Supplemental Feeding?

By Brian Digital Office,

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I often get asked about feeding hay to deer during the winter. I remember many years ago someone told me that it is harmful to deer to feed them hay during this time, due to their stomach’s being accustomed to mainly browse during the winter. Is this true and is there any benefit to feeding deer good quality 2nd/3rd crop alfalfa/grass mixture hay?



See the response to Is feeding corn harmful to deer in winter? that was just posted in reference to feeding during the winter. This is an important subject, especially this winter as many deer herds are experiencing very severe winter conditions.

Deer don’t prefer most pasture grasses (fescue, orchard, brome, etc.), especially if they are mature enough to process for hay. Deer readily consume the leaves of alfalfa, which are usually a good source of protein and fiber. However, during the late winter, deer also need (and prefer) carbohydrates as an easy source of energy! I prefer to grow crops for deer rather than implement a supplemental feeding program. However, when I’m asked to prescribe a supplemental feeding program the ration always includes grains!

Growing Deer together,
