Should I overseed Eagle Seed forage soybeans even if they produced a good crop?
Filed under: Ask Grant, Food Plots
Like you, I’m amazed every year at how much forage Eagle Seed forage soybeans produce even when being heavily browsed.
Unless there’s an earlier than normal frost at your property or you planted a very late maturing variety of Eagle Seed such as Big Fellow or Large Lad it shoulds like the beans in your plot will produce pods.
I really like the many benefits of cover crops! Some cover crops can provide excellent forage for deer and other game. When the temperatures are warmer than normal during hunting season deer tend to prefer green forage versus grains (bean pods). By overseeding standing soybeans you can provide deer both greens and grain in the same plot and keep attracting deer during both warm and cold temperatures.
Eagle’s Broadside blend works great to mine or recycle nutrients. That is to say this blend grows in all but the coldest conditions and actively growing plants take up nutrients that otherwise might leach below the reach of new plants next spring. When the winter cover crop is terminated the decomposing forage and roots release great nutrients for the new warm season crop. I could go on with benefits of cover crops.
I strongly suggest planting Broadside in your standing crop of forage soybeans. If you use a no till drill this will create gaps where the sun will reach the soil and allow the Broadside to germinate. If you plan to broadcast the seed you may wish to drive and ATV through the plot, etc., and disturb at least 1/3 of the forage crown. This will allow the Broadside to germinate and the remaining beans to produce pods.
I know it sounds crazy to remove a small portion of a plot you worked hard to grow! However the benefits of a cover crop outweigh any damage to a small percentage of the standing beans.