Trapping Coyotes

By GrowingDeer,

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Dr. Woods,

I seem to have a coyote problem; I am getting a coyote or two each day on each of my cameras (6 cameras on 100 acres).  They could be the same coyotes, but either way I want to start removing them from the property.  I just wanted to mention my interest in trapping them in the hopes that you might demonstrate trapping techniques on the show this winter.  I recall you stating how difficult they were to trap in your winter trapping video (GDTV 10) last season.  Deer are overpopulated here so maybe a natural predator is a good thing.  When I do get a photo of a coyote I sometimes get a picture of a deer within 15 minutes.  So I’m not sure whether or not they have a big impact on my hunting.




Coyotes consume deer (fawns and adults).  Coyotes also keep deer very alert.  This is probably just as important to hunters as the number of deer coyotes kill.  If deer can avoid four-legged predators, they are probably going to be very successful at avoiding two-legged predators – especially at close range.  If you enjoy bow hunting, I strongly encourage you to attempt to reduce the local coyote population.

I will be trapping coyotes and other predators this fall.  I’ll be working with a professional trapper, Will Roberts, and sharing some of his techniques.  Stay tuned!

Growing Deer together,
