What are your thoughts about using a crossbow?

By Grant Woods,

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Dr. Woods,

What is your take on using a crossbow?

I am 32 years old and fully capable of using a compound. I just started hunting 4 years ago here in Michigan after moving from the concrete jungle of California and got into out of a need to feed my family (wife and 4 kids) better/healthier meat at an affordable price. I have been successful in getting two deer with my compound over the years and have injured and missed more than that. I do not have the time to put into practicing with my compound due to my work schedule and family life and I do not want to injure anymore deer. All the while I still need to feed my family. I know this can be a touchy subject among hunting “purist” being that I am not a minor, elderly, nor have any disabilities and was wondering what your thoughts are on it.

On the plus side, the Lord has provided for us abundantly during gun season over the years and I have not yet injured or missed a deer with my muzzle loader. However, I share my hunting spot with two others and am anticipating getting even less time during the gun season in the future due to where I fall in the pecking order, but I do have full access during archery as the other two guys don’t bow hunt.

Thanks for your time,
Brandon Young


I’m proud of you for providing your family with wild venison!  

I’m all about folks enjoying hunting and venison!  As a biologist I work with deer population levels relative to quality forage, adult sex ratios, etc.  Which weapon is used to achieve these goals isn’t a factor.  Many states have studied and the harvest doesn’t increase when crossbows are legal.  Based on large data sets I’m very pro folks having the option to use a crossbow! 

I applaud you for knowing you don’t have time to practice and selecting a weapon that fits your needs.  I would make the same choice!  

Enjoy creation,


December 10, 2015