What information do you share at Deer Co-op meetings?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersDeer Management
First, I really enjoy your show and the information you share. Keep it up, along with the message of finding time to get alone with the Creator. That is key in my opinion and I need to do more of it.

I’ve been a follower for around a year now and have heard you mention deer cooperatives a couple of times. I’m thinking about starting a cooperative in my neck of the woods. I’ve seen people in my area change their way of thinking of “if it is brown it’s down” to “you won’t get bigger bucks if you shoot little bucks.” It is good to see the change in some, but I know there is so much more we can do. I also believe I have an attentive audience or at least interest in my area.

My main question, what information are you sharing at these meetings? Do you have an outline or powerpoint you could share to give me a general idea of what is conveyed to everyone or could you point me to some more information?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.

Drew Ramage
Paducah, Kentucky



I believe neighborhood deer coops are a great tool!  The QDMA has much information about deer coops.  We formed ours with very simple guides.  There are no membership fees and no mandatory harvest rules to follow.  We started by sharing the basics of deer biology and management.  We have had tours of coop members’ farms so we could discuss food plot and native habitat management techniques, etc.  We try to focus on subjects of interest to our members.

We share news and events that we believe our members will find interesting via email, etc.

I welcome you to join one of our meetings if you are interested.

Enjoy creation,


February 23, 2016