What is the best way to deal with fescue in a new food plot?
Filed under: Food Plots
Question: I have a small property that is mostly surrounded by an Arkansas WMA. The WMA is all timber. I have some pasture areas that I’m wanting to convert to food plots. It is currently mostly fescue I believe. The area has not been tilled. I just purchased 2 50 lb bags of summer release from Green Cover Seed and one 50 lb bag of Upland Bird Mix to plant. We do have a few quail and turkeys that use our property, also I like to have a field to dove hunt every year. My main question is what is the best way to deal with the fescue from the beginning? I recently mowed the fescue down and then sprayed the area with roundup. I was thinking I might need to burn the area once the fescue has died, then drill in my food plot mixes. Would it be ok to drill through the dead fescue? I have a drill reserved from our county extension office for June 4-6. I have included some pics as well.
Answer: Having the only quality forage in the neighborhood will be a huge advantage except when acorns are available. During most years your hunting will likely be best during the early and late season when acorns aren’t readily available.
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, works best on leaf surface area. If the fescue was mowed just before it was sprayed, it may need to be treated again once it regrows a few inches of leaf surface area.
Once the fescue is dead, it will be best to use a no-till drill to place the seed in the soil. Most NRCS offices rent n-till drills at a very reasonable rate.
It would be best to collect soil samples and do a soil test before planting and apply the recommended amount of lime and fertilizer. You can plant without doing this but the crop likely won’t express it’s potential.