What Job is Best for Me?

By Brian Digital Office,

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I am a high school senior in central Missouri and I do not know what I want to become. I love to hunt, hunt, hunt and I don’t want to get away from it as I go onto college! I’m big into filming and want to get better and better! What job career would get me outdoors and let me have time to enjoy every season?



As far as I know, there are very few jobs where folks actually make a living hunting. The folks I know that hunt the most are folks that have worked hard at some career and have built up enough seniority/vacation time to have enough days to hunt. I have friends that are UPS drivers, train engineers, etc., and they hunt many more days a year than I do.

For example, most wildlife biologists I know are working during most of the hunting seasons. Many go into the profession because they enjoy hunting, but they often find they don’t make enough wages to afford hunts in faraway places, and don’t have enough time to hunt close to home.

You should accept that work consumes much of an adult’s life. I think the most important characteristic of a good job is doing something that you enjoy and which allows you to use your God-given talents. Honestly consider what you really like to do. As a criteria, what you would like to do when you are old or in harsh conditions? Eliminate what you don’t consider fun when days are not going well. If you don’t find it fun sometimes now, you will really dislike it when you do it daily for 20+ years. Next consider what skills you have naturally. Pair the always fun with natural skills and you will have a happy and successful career.

Growing Deer together,
