What should we do to improve the habitat at our property near Bristol, Vermont?
Filed under: Habitat Management
It sounds as if you and your father have worked hard to improve food resources on your farm!
If the decrease in daylight deer observations coincides with the corn harvest then cover may be the limiting factor at your farm! As you know deer spend most of the daylight hours in an area where they feel secure (cover).
Deer prefer cover that’s from ground level to approximately three feet tall. Typically this type of cover grows where the sun reaches the soil and can be easily maintained by prescribed fire.
If the hardwoods you mentioned are mature or mature enough to have a canopy that shades the ground I doubt there’s much vegetation growing underneath them. It may be wise to create some bedding areas by clearcutting or heavily thinning a few 10 acre patches and allowing natural succession to occur (or even better establishing native grass). I have used this plan at some of my clients in New York and the results have been impressive! Once the cover areas were strategically located and the plan implemented deer used their property daily year round.
It’s very important to consider exactly where to create the bedding areas. This decision should include timber management plans, preferred deer bedding sites, factors that determine the huntability of the locations, etc.
It may be more cost efficient to simply leave some of the corn standing. Standing corn is excellent bedding cover as well as late season food.
Enjoy creation,
November 17, 2015