What type of feed should we use this time of year?
Filed under: Minerals, Trail Cameras
Thanks, Ron
I’m glad to hear you and your grandson are working on this project together!
Deer eat corn daily throughout the midwest without any issues. Deer can become sick if they ingest a bunch of corn without having access to it previously. It’s the rapid change in diet that can cause deer to become sick or even die from eating corn. If you’ve been feeding corn then keep doing what you are doing. If you haven’t been feeding corn, now is a tough time to start. If you do start now, start slowly! Put out less corn than the local herd can consume.
I have excellent results by placing Trophy Rock’s Four65 in front of my cameras. Both bucks and does need trace minerals to express their full antler growth or fawn production potential. Trophy Rock is 100% natural (mined in Utah) and cost much less than corn. Deer will only consume what they need and often visit the Trophy Rock site daily.
Enjoy creation,
January 25 ,2016