What’s in the orange bottle I see you using to check the wind?
Filed under: Gear
I’m thrilled to learn Curtis is improving!
The small orange bottle is a Dead Down Wind product that allows me to check the wind direction, thermals, etc. It’s an unscented very light powder that shows me the wind/thermal directions several feet from my stand! Check out: http://www.basspro.com/Dead-Down-Wind-e3-Checkmate-Wind-Checker/product/13032606064210/
I consider a quality grunt call almost as important as my weapon. Used properly they are a great tool! I don’t just use it a random – but rather when I see a buck out of range or in an area where I can’t shoot. There are lots of examples of how and when to use a grunt call in the http://www.GrowingDeer.com episdoes.
Enjoy creation,