Where are You Scheduled to Speak?

By Brian Digital Office,

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Hey Grant,

I just wanted to say that I have just discovered your GrowingDeer.tv website and I love it!! I have watched all of the videos in your archive and very impatiently wait on your new one every week. I know a few people in the outdoor and hunting industry and have listened to quite a few different biologists do seminars and you are by far my favorite. Is there anywhere that I can access a list of where you are scheduled to speak?




Thank you for the kind words!! I’ll try to begin posting dates of some of my speaking engagements in the blog section of GrowingDeer.tv. I’ll be speaking at Swedesborg, MO April 16th, 2010. In addition, I will be speaking at QDMA’s national convention in July (www.QDMA.com) and a major conference about land and wildlife management in Nashville during mid-August.

Growing Deer together,
