Will mowing by a scrape cause deer to stop using it?
Filed under: Habitat Management
I included a picture from last year of the deer I am trying to grow. Any idea for age?
The overhanging limb is almost always the most important part of a scrape! I doubt mowing by the scrape, establishing a food plot, etc,, will result in deer abandoning the area. Simply avoid damaging the overhanging limb! Deer make and maintain scrapes along the edges of my plots and commercial ag fields year after year.
There is some good information at the following link about methods to control Sericea Lespedeza: http://mdc.mo.gov/your-property/problem-plants-and-animals/invasive-plants/sericea-lespedeza-control
Those are nice bucks in the pictures! They appear two and/or three years old based on the quality of the local habitat, etc.
Enjoy creation,
November 11, 2015