Would you like to research the Deer Hunter’s moon guide?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersDeer Biology
I have been doing some research on a product called the ” Deer hunters’ moon guide” and I am wanting to compare notes of sorts with you. Now by no means am I pushing this product or anything, just some more research. I noticed on Facebook that you and your family and staff have harvested and few big buck this year. If you are interested I’d love to compare notes and test this product out with your success as well as mine.


Thanks for offering to share notes with us about deer activity compared to moon phases.

There have been 1,000’s of deer fitted with GPS collars throughout the whitetails’ range.  Researchers have looked for a relationship between when deer are active and many characteristics of the moon’s orbit. To date, no relationship has been found.  This is based on literally millions of accurate data points. 

I suggest you study the influence of weather on deer activity. There’s certainly some interesting relationships but there are many variables to track.

Enjoy creation,


November 11, 2015