Better Hunting for 120 Acres That Was Logged 10 Years Ago
Filed under: Hunting Blog
Daniel recently worked with a landowner over the phone to develop a habitat and hunting improvement plan. This 120 acres is primarily hardwood timber that was logged 10 years ago.
There is currently little food (the current food plots have been browsed lip high) and no quality cover on the property. However, Daniel laid out several larger food plots to provide deer with more quality food and strategically designed smaller plots to act as staging areas. This design created a lot of edge and MANY bottlenecks. Once implemented, this property will hunt much better!
Daniel also prescribed that the low quality hardwood trees be terminated to allow more sunlight to reach the ground and encourage native grasses and forbs- creating both quality cover and browse. During this consult, they discussed the steps of prescribed fire and how to not only convert the timber to quality habitat but maintain it.
We are very excited to hear updates from the landowner as he begins implementing the plan and enjoys great hunting opportunities!