Category: Food Plots

Collecting Soil Samples

By GrowingDeer,

Box of soil samples packed in clear bagsBrad collected soil samples from all of our plots yesterday and prepared them for shipping to Water’s Lab for analysis. This is always a critical step in establishing/maintaining food plots. I’m always eager to get the results and determine how much fertilizer will be required to produce maximum quality forage. Remember, that plants are only nutrient transfer agents. If the nutrients are not in the dirt, they can’t be transferred to critters! Bigger antlers and more fawns are factors of the quality of the dirt — so I’m always very excited about soil tests!

We will be hosting a shed hunt at The Proving Grounds this weekend! There will be about 50 folks from Ohio, Georgia, and many other states joining us. I’ll let you know how many sheds we find.

Growing Deer together,


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