Hot Hunting: Froggin’ – Episode #451
Filed under: Eblast Archives
Arrows fly as Danny, Raleigh, Rae and Grant head out for a summer bullfrog hunt! It’s a fun night with friends and family plus great practice for deer hunting. Then we share a food plot update in the midst of drought and heavy browse pressure.
New blog:
Do you want to improve the quality of wildlife food where you hunt? We share seven steps for creating healthier soil and better food plots.
Hunting Strategy Improved:
Reducing scent from our clothes and gear helps us have close encounters and the opportunity to tag game!
Wildlife Management Tip:
Extensive browse on low quality species like multiflora rose can indicate that deer are hungry and searching hard for quality food sources.
FAcebook Recap:
Clay found a mess of ticks while working in the field! Be mindful of ticks this summer.
Q & A of the WEEK:
Question: When do you start scouting for deer season?
Answer: We have already started! We are scouting and identifying oaks that are producing acorns as well as monitoring deer travel patterns with our Reconyx trail cameras.