How to Conceal a Food Plot From Neighbors
Filed under: Hunting Blog, Whitetail Habitat Management
Last spring, Daniel toured and designed a habitat and hunting improvement plan in Tennessee. There was an old pasture along the property line that would be easy to convert to a food plot.
Daniel recommended planting Green Cover Seed’s “View Blocker” as a visual screen along the edge of the property to conceal the plot from neighbors during fall. As you can see from the above picture, even during the current summer drought, the screen is growing great and will be well above a pickup truck come fall! Visual screens can be great tools for landowners/hunters along property lines.
Another option we often suggest is to create bedding areas next to roads. The thick, gnarly vegetation not only serves as visual screen, but also as a barrier for folks to walk through. Deer bed by a road and then move into the center of the property to feed. This option is only good if the native vegetation will grow tall enough AND remain standing throughout the winter. Often grasses will lay down during the late season and hardwood trees loose their leaves so it no longer has the ability to screen the food plot from the neighbors or those driving by.
Planting pines may be an option. If there’s a market in the area pines should be considered an investment as they can be harvested and sold in 15 + years!
Enjoy creation!
The GrowingDeer team