Less Fur, More Feathers!
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I really enjoy turkeys. I enjoy seeing, hearing, and hunting turkeys. I don’t care much for raccoons. So it goes without saying that I’d rather hear one turkey gobble than see four raccoons, but that’s not what happened today.

Observing raccoons is fairly rare, at least during daylight, as they are primarily nocturnal critters. However, Bill and I saw four raccoons today — all yearling males. The Proving Grounds have been covered with snow until recently, but as the temperatures warmed the past few days, the raccoons have been actively roaming around looking for a meal. They attempted to steal some dog food last night that was in traps set for raccoons and opossums. These ended up being their last meal as these males won’t have any chance of consuming turkey eggs, poults, or adult turkeys any more. Their pelts will be removed, tanned, and proudly displayed or given as gifts. I look forward to possibly hearing a few more gobblers during the spring of 2011 — due to a few more turkeys surviving during 2010.
Growing Deer together,